Staff Designer

Doing A World of Good


The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), a professional organization of over 50,000 members, was halfway through a $15 million fundraising campaign when it was time to publicly unveil the effort and push toward its goal. The central challenge of the “Doing a World of Good” campaign website was to  bring the campaign to life in a visual way, and create an emotional connection with users that inspires them to give or get involved. It also needed to provide a snapshot of the key elements of the campaign, such as priorities, progress, etc., without losing the resonance of the original appeal.

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After interviews with stakeholders, we determined the highest priority actions and information, and worked to tell a story that would end in the user’s desire to become a part of the campaign. Clear and simple copy, along with an emphasis on the stories of the campaign—the donors and the recipients—told in their own voices, helped establish a more engaging and visual style that has begun to permeate AIChE’s other digital spaces. The new site was successfully unveiled at AIChE’s annual meeting, and more than just a making a financial appeal, it is growing a community of professionals who are "doing a world of good."

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